

Last weekend, we attended my cousin's wedding in Malacca. Yup my mother was born in Malacca =) Although I'm the "eldest" among the cousins in Malacca / Singapore, I'm not the first to get married =P Anyway my cousin's the same age as me la!

My cousin who got married, Yu Ting, comes to Singapore now and then, so I still get to see her quite often =D But, it has been 10 years since I met my other cousins! All of them have grown so much! So much that I couldn't recognise some of them =X I'm glad to see them again after so long, they're so pretty and suave-looking now! And of course, the happiest that night (other than the loving couple and their parents) was my mum! I've never seen her smile so much in a night! =)

And my aunt and 2 of my cousins are coming to Singapore next week for a short visit! Can't wait to bring them around! =D Some pictures of my maternal family below =)

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